Lino Ieluzzi - One Number - Cigar & Fashion Life Style

Lino Ieluzzi - One Number

In the last article I looked again today on the evolution of finance and writer.I realized that I have escaped some severe. I also wanted to get my post to relieve that different. Got to do occasionally, I think ...She is Italy's male fashion is perhaps the best man, Lino Ieluzzi, I want to talk about than. You would saunter in Milan saw Al Bazar visiting the store. Remember that your malware infection. I went in..It was nice ... it was beautiful. Prices wandered.I realized that I don't have the money.Money is one of the rare moments I for this ...Al bazar which art of Lino's store.
I want to tell.Lino's style.A man should look to itself in every respect ...Never drop from being the best young player this style is the necessity of male-nozzle.Maintenance and wear for age is not significant, and that it is extremely natural-this is the necessity of ...Be relaxed.Work your way down to self confidence self care provides continuity of men. You see it already lines-models ...
Lines are classic but cool at the same time dynamism-comfort, you will find a line-gentleman s Lino's art.

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